Thursday, 3 November 2011 | 0 comments
haloooooooo , sorry dah lama xpost entry kt blog niyhh .
lame ker ? hahahha perasan jap .. hiihihiih okay okayy .. straight to
the point.jangan belok2 hahaha suda suda , merapu rapu jadi nye
lgi satg . hee actually kelmaren trip to kl with my schoolmates.
the point.jangan belok2 hahaha suda suda , merapu rapu jadi nye
lgi satg . hee actually kelmaren trip to kl with my schoolmates.
nak taw ker tmpat tmpat yg kiteorg pergii ?? ahaaa , sbnrnye tak
seronok mane pun , tapii yg best nyee sbb snap gmbar byk2 lahh kan .. tu
jadi seronok hehhehe emm tgk jela gmbar kayy , malas nak merapu pnjg2 huhuhu
before bertolak ke kuala lumpur ^^
away to unikl #dalam bas hehehhe
breakfast at unikl #meejer? haha
amoehhh suma xnk kalah pakai spect =='
kilang coklat beryl's
last kopekk ! r & r sg.buloh
have fun day with my fren (: oke byebye !